Chiropractic care for my children? You might say but his/her back doesn't bother his/her. Many parents appreciate the importance of regular checkups for their child. Parents take their child to get their teeth, vision, and hearing checked to see how they are doing. Parents sometimes forget to get their child a spinal checkup. Spinal checkups could be the most important checkups your child will ever have.The spine protects billions of nerve fibers that send messages to every part of their bodies. If there is any interference of any nerves along the spinal cord the messages from the brain are not able to correctly get to the body tissues or organs. This causes the body to not be able to function and work correctly setting a potential for current and future health problems. Interference of nerve messages can occur when spinal bones (vertebrae) move out of their normal alignment, this is called a Subluxation.
How can this happen to my child?
Subluxations can occur for many reasons. They can happen as early as labor. Think of all the stress and force on a baby being delivered, it can be especially traumatic if it was a difficult delivery. Subluxations can occur throughout a child’s physical learning and development from mishaps during crawling, walking, running, and playing sports. We all know children fall and have accidents; it can be a physical time. Also pollutants in the environment or thoughts or stress can cause subluxations.
What Happens to Children Who Never get Adjusted
Last week I was adjusting a family who had been under care for several years. This family consisted of a dad, mom, and three kids. Prior to receiving care, all three kids had been dealing with recurrent ear infections, rounds of antibiotics, pediatric appointments every month, colds, flu, and bad behavior. As I worked on the kids this day, Sally, their mom, was marveling at how their lives had changed with chiropractic care. There had been no more ear infections or antibiotics, in fact, there had not even been any colds for more than a year now. Anthony, the oldest child, had not been to a pediatrician in 2 years, and he is one of the top students in his class! As Sally testified about these miraculous changes, she asked me a question I had never been asked before.She asked, “what happens to children who never get adjusted?” I answered her in the following way. “Well, some kids have a lifetime of recurrent illnesses, much like you and your kids were experiencing prior to coming in for care.But most of them…they are just average kids. She looked at me with wonder on her face as I said this and followed with another question, “I don’t understand. Are you saying that most kids don’t need chiropractic care?” “NO!” I replied, “Not at all!” Here is what I meant by that. There is nothing wrong with a child being average…if that is her potential! ”But, what if that’s NOT her potential? What if he or she was meant to be something much more than average? Even if she is meant to be average, she will not even reach that level if her brain and body can’t communicate effectively with each other.” “The only way for your children to reach their highest potential in life is to have a nervous system that is free from interference so that they can adapt to all of the physical, chemical, and mental stresses they encounter each day. That way, their energy can be used to access higher levels of creative thought instead of just trying to get through the day. In other words, they have the best possible chance of reaching their potential!" She looked at me and began to get tears in her eyes as she realized just how important their chiropractic care had been for her family.
How can this happen to my child?
Subluxations can occur for many reasons. They can happen as early as labor. Think of all the stress and force on a baby being delivered, it can be especially traumatic if it was a difficult delivery. Subluxations can occur throughout a child’s physical learning and development from mishaps during crawling, walking, running, and playing sports. We all know children fall and have accidents; it can be a physical time. Also pollutants in the environment or thoughts or stress can cause subluxations.
What Happens to Children Who Never get Adjusted
Last week I was adjusting a family who had been under care for several years. This family consisted of a dad, mom, and three kids. Prior to receiving care, all three kids had been dealing with recurrent ear infections, rounds of antibiotics, pediatric appointments every month, colds, flu, and bad behavior. As I worked on the kids this day, Sally, their mom, was marveling at how their lives had changed with chiropractic care. There had been no more ear infections or antibiotics, in fact, there had not even been any colds for more than a year now. Anthony, the oldest child, had not been to a pediatrician in 2 years, and he is one of the top students in his class! As Sally testified about these miraculous changes, she asked me a question I had never been asked before.She asked, “what happens to children who never get adjusted?” I answered her in the following way. “Well, some kids have a lifetime of recurrent illnesses, much like you and your kids were experiencing prior to coming in for care.But most of them…they are just average kids. She looked at me with wonder on her face as I said this and followed with another question, “I don’t understand. Are you saying that most kids don’t need chiropractic care?” “NO!” I replied, “Not at all!” Here is what I meant by that. There is nothing wrong with a child being average…if that is her potential! ”But, what if that’s NOT her potential? What if he or she was meant to be something much more than average? Even if she is meant to be average, she will not even reach that level if her brain and body can’t communicate effectively with each other.” “The only way for your children to reach their highest potential in life is to have a nervous system that is free from interference so that they can adapt to all of the physical, chemical, and mental stresses they encounter each day. That way, their energy can be used to access higher levels of creative thought instead of just trying to get through the day. In other words, they have the best possible chance of reaching their potential!" She looked at me and began to get tears in her eyes as she realized just how important their chiropractic care had been for her family.